WildFlour To Go: Happy Cinnamon Roll Day Yesterday!

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Photo courtesy of Pexels.

Yesterday was Cinnamon Roll Day! Yes, this is a day delayed because I just found this morning.🤣 But then, it’s better late than never.

To be more exact, October 4 is the National Cinnamon Roll Day in Sweden.

To be more exact, October 4 is the National Cinnamon Roll Day in Sweden.

So, I’m not that sure if it’s celebrated here in the Philippines. I just thought it was worth mentioning. After all, we owe it to the Sweedish folks for creating such a delicious bread treat. 😃❤️

A Timely Treat

It’s always a great feeling to come home to a surprise. That’s exactly what I got yesterday, Sunday, October 4. It was the Cinnamon Bake from Wildflour. My step kids had dropped it off.

I was looking forward to having some choco mallows for dessert. Then I ditched the idea immediately when I got a pleasant surprise from my step kids. Soon as I saw the Cinnamon Bake from Wildflour, I knew what I was having for dessert. 😁

You can’t blame me for getting pretty excited about Wildflour. It is, after all, one of those places you just want to hang out in. It’s a restaurant/cafe/bakery. You can even enjoy a variety of drinks, which means you can just stay there and have a full meal. There’s no need for you to go anywhere else to have dessert and coffee.

You can’t blame me for getting pretty excited about Wildflour. It is, after all, one of those places you just want o to hang out in. It’s a restaurant/cafe/bakery. You can even enjoy a variety of drinks, which means you can just stay there and have a full meal. There’s no need for you to go anywhere else to have dessert and coffee.

Yes, it is on the high-end side but you get your money’s worth. The ambiance, customer service, and quality of food pretty much cover what you pay for. I think it’s worth it. The branch that’s near my son’s school is always full (especially during lunchtime). So, I guess, I’m not the only one who feels this way.

Back to the Cinnamon Bake of Wildflour

Seeing the Cinnamon Bake of Wildflour excited me. I had already tasted their cinnamon roll before but it was the first time for me to encounter their Cinnamon Bake. Before I forget, Wildflour is one of the few places where you can get a pumpkin pie. 😊

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3 thoughts on “WildFlour To Go: Happy Cinnamon Roll Day Yesterday!

  1. I didn’t even know there was such a thing as a Cinnamon Roll Day. My son and I usually meet up in Wildflour. Instead of dealing with the traffic in his school, I just have him walk to Greenhills. Then we meet up in Wildflour for some snacks. I miss those days.


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