Filipino Cheese Rolls Near Me: I Think I Found The Best

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I finally discovered some Filipino cheese rolls near me and I think I found the best. 😀

For the longest time, we were pretty loyal to the cheese rolls from a well-known café. This was until we discovered Nothing But Jill.

Filipino cheese rolls near me
Flaky goodness with cheese filling galore.

Filipino Cheese Rolls Near Me

Filipino Cheese rolls are abundant. Having said that, there are a lot of Filipino cheese rolls near me.

While most of them are equally yummy, there is this one place that offers the best and yes, it’s near me.

While most of them are equally yummy, there is this one place that offers the best and yes, it’s near me.

Located in Esteban Abada St. Quezon City, Nothing But Jill offers the best super flaky cheese rolls.

Located in Esteban Abada St. Quezon City, Nothing But Jill offers the best super flaky cheese rolls.

Although it’s not exactly the kind of Filipino cheese roll you would usually expect, it’s still super good.

What Are Filipino Cheese Rolls?

Filipino cheese rolls are yummy pastries loved by many Filipinos.

The delectable combination of sweet, pillowy bread rolls and an ample amount of cheese make it a mouthwatering favorite for dessert and snacks.

The bread dough used in making these treats is enriched with ingredients like eggs, milk, and butter, resulting in a soft and fluffy texture.

The filling consists of grated cheese, typically sharp cheddar or processed cheese. It is mixed with sugar, and sometimes butter, to enhance its richness.

The cheese filling is evenly spread out on the rolled-out dough. Once that’s done, the dough is then skillfully rolled into a log shape.

The log is subsequently sliced into individual portions and baked until it acquires a golden brown hue.

This results in a scrumptious pastry with a delightful blend of cheese and a subtle sweetness.

This results in a scrumptious pastry with a delightful blend of cheese and a subtle sweetness.

Filipino cheese rolls are best eaten with coffee or tea. They can be readily found in local bakeries and pastry shops.

In some cases, they are occasionally sold by street vendors throughout the Philippines.

The comforting combination of warm, tender bread and gooey, melted cheese make Filipino cheese rolls a cherished indulgence.

The Famous Cheese Roll From Nothing But Jill

I had heard about Nothing But Jill. I would see pictures of their pastries posted all over social media platforms.

I was impressed that they even have cannoli. If you check their website, they have a wide variety of cannoli. All of them look pretty good.

Nothing But Jill is more known for their famous cheese rolls. And after tasting some of it, I was not surprised at all.

As previously mentioned, we used to be loyal to the cheese roll from another well-known cafĂ©. It’s a typical Filipino cheese roll, a sweet soft bun with some cheese in the middle.

But after tasting some cheese rolls from Nothing But Jill, I would have to say that I have a new favorite.

The cheese roll from Nothing But Jill is not exactly the Filipino version but heck, it’s good enough.

The flaky goodness of Nothing But Jill’s cheese rolls will make you want to eat more and more and more.

And when it comes to the cheese filling, nothing But Jill does not skimp on it at all!

The Best Sweet Cheese Rolls

There’s no question about it. The best sweet cheese rolls are definitely from Nothing But Jill. 👍

So, if you have not tried them, then it’s about time you do.

Have you tasted the cheese rolls from Nothing But Jill? Are you curious about it?

Tell us your thoughts. We’d love to hear from you.

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