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Chili literally lights up your life! It brings a tinge of excitement to whatever you’re eating. It’s an orgasmic burst of flavors that can either piss you off or make you want more.
Now, where do you get varieties of farm-fresh chili? Well, you can get them from Green Charm Farm. This is an organic farm in Sampaloc, Quezon.
Don’t let the word organic scare you. It just simply means that the chili pods are freshly grown, devoid of any kind of dangerous fertilizers and insecticides. In other words, they’re safe to just wash and eat. You can munch on them if you want or even cook a ton of Bicol Express if you like.
Chili Goodness In A Bottle
If munching on a fresh chili pod isn’t your cup of tea, then try the chili sauce from Green Charm Farm.
It’s truly chili goodness in a bottle. It’s literally just oil and chili. That’s it!
It’s truly chili goodness in a bottle. It’s literally just oil and chili. That’s it!
Not all chili sauces are created equal. Truth be told, some have unidentified ingredients. Take a super close look at some chili sauces. Can you really tell what’s in it?
Scoop a spoonful of Green Charm’s chili sauce and you know pretty much what you’re getting. Pure chili!
Scoop a spoonful of Green Charm’s chili sauce and you know pretty much what you’re getting. Pure chili!
Another good reason why the Green Charm’s chili sauce stands out is because of its CRUNCH. Literally, there is a crunch when you bite into the chili and it’s not just brought about by the flavor but by the texture of the amazing pods that make up the sauce. 😀
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