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There are awesome people behind home-based businesses. Some of them have 9 to 5 jobs, while some of them have decided to go full blast with their business. Either way, they have great stories to tell.
The creative person behind Cucina de Corazon is a flight purser for the country’s flag carrier. Rookie has been flying for about 35 years. When she’s not flying, she creating yummy cheese spread and embutido. Sounds interesting? Read on to learn more about the yummy products of a flight purser.
The creative person behind Cucina de Corazon is a flight purser for the country’s flag carrier. Rookie has been flying for about 35 years. When she’s not flying, she creating yummy cheese spread and embutido. Sounds interesting? Read on to learn more about the yummy products of Flight Purser Rookie.
Care For Some Homemade Cheese Pimiento?
A flight purser’s job is no joke. The responsibility that comes with the job is enormous.
Not everybody can become a flight purser. So, you’d think it’s the ultimate, right? Well, it is but for Rookie, it became an avenue for her to pursue her passion to create yummy food products.
Not everybody can become a flight purser. So, you’d think it’s the ultimate, right? Well, it is but for Rookie, it became an avenue for her to pursue her passion to create yummy food products.
Inspired by her lovely mom, Corazon, Rookie set up Cucina de Corazon.
Inspired by her lovely mom, Corazon, Rookie set up Cucina de Corazon.
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